TQL cold chain management delivers customer solutions
Expertise, problem-solving solves ice cream meltdown at shipperBy Shannon Russell
What started as a high claim rate for an ice cream vendor turned into a problem-solving opportunity for TQL’s Sales Quality Team – and solutions to preserve the integrity of the frozen dessert.
TQL, a 13-time honoree by Food Logistics as a Top 3PL and Cold Storage Provider, combined its cold chain management expertise with a little detective work. TQL’s Claims Team identified multiple open claims for a customer shipping large quantities of ice cream.
The claims kept happening at a particular shipper in Los Angeles, and for the same reason. Quality inspections flagged the ice cream for being thawed and refrozen.
Cold chain solutions
TQL discovered that the ice cream, normally stored at minus-20 degrees, was left in a much warmer staging area prior to its temperature-controlled trailer being docked and loaded. The ice cream began to melt.
TQL’s cold chain logistics expertise led to a process change at the shipper.
Instead of staging the product at the time of pickup, the shipper left the ice cream in the cooler until the trailer reached proper precooling temperature inside the trailer.
The customer devised an additional solution by adding plastic seal between the ice cream and its lid to help preserve the cold temps.
Because of these adjustments, the ice cream stayed frozen throughout its shipment.
TQL’s eagle-eyed study of the claims reinforced its investment in world-class customer service. Not only did proactivity diminish future cold storage claims at the shipper, but TQL deepened its relationship with the customer through valuable insights.
What TQL can do for you
- Food Chain Digest named TQL a 2024 Top Food Chain Provider for its excellence in capabilities and service to food shippers.
- TQL moved 500k+ temperature-controlled loads in 2023.
- TQL uses proactive warehouse management to book appointments, resolve issues and keep sensitive freight moving on schedule.
- TQL’s extensive network of warehouses offers scalable specialized solutions to cover any warehouse need.
Learn more about TQL’s cold storage solutions and proactive warehouse management by talking to your dedicated account rep or visiting TQL.com.