TQL Cleveland Outgrew Space, Moved Office

Total Quality Logistics Cleveland outgrew its original space and moved to a larger office Friday, Oct. 24.

TQL, one of the largest freight brokerage firms in the nation, opened its first Cleveland location Nov. 5, 2012, with six employees. The office has grown to 50 since then and has plans to expand to more than 90 by 2017. The new office space is 13,000 square feet, more than double the space of its original 5,200-square-foot location.
“We’re not moving far physically, but we’ve come a long way since opening the Cleveland office two years ago,” said TQL executive vice president Kerry Byrne. “We’re excited to keep growing in northern Ohio.”
TQL will mark its two-year anniversary in the Cleveland area with a day-long celebration for employees in its new office Nov. 5.

Total Quality Logistics is one of the largest freight brokerage firms in the nation. The company arranges the movement of truckload freight, is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, and had revenues in excess of $1.6 billion last year. TQL employs about 2,800 people nationwide. The company recently earned the number-one revenue ranking among the 100 largest privately held companies in Cincinnati. To learn more about available job opportunities at TQL or events going on at TQL across the country, please visit us on the web at tql.com.


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