TQL Looks Back On 2016

With every new year comes new resolutions to do better, be better or otherwise improve, but we have to admit - 2016 will be a hard one to beat.    ... Read More

With every new year comes new resolutions to do better, be better or otherwise improve, but... Read More

TQL Delivers Final Gifts of the Season

Christmas bells are ringing this morning thanks to the generosity of TQL employees.Team MVH at headquarters has worked with St. Joseph Orphanage in Cincinnati for three Christmases in a row now... Read More

Christmas bells are ringing this morning thanks to the generosity of TQL employees.Team MVH at... Read More

Marketing Aids Women in Crisis; Columbus, Chicago Spread Cheer

In a company that runs about 80-20 men to women, the TQL marketing department skews closer to 9:1 women to men. So the department’s decision to work with the YWCA Women’s Domestic... Read More

In a company that runs about 80-20 men to women, the TQL marketing department skews closer to 9... Read More

Louisville Toys for Tots Drive A Huge Success

TQL Louisville’s partnership with Toys for Tots began last year when then-broker Cory D. exercised his connection as a U.S. Marine to support the program.Cory has since moved on to open the... Read More

TQL Louisville’s partnership with Toys for Tots began last year when then-broker Cory D... Read More

Team Kochhar, Manuel Provide Food, Gifts

A pair of sales teams at TQL’s Cincinnati headquarters continued their work with local partners to provide a better Christmas for families.Team Kochhar collected more than 600 pounds of food... Read More

A pair of sales teams at TQL’s Cincinnati headquarters continued their work with local... Read More

Edison, IT Partner With Local Charities

A pair of Cincinnati teams partnered with a pair of Cincinnati faith-based charities to provide Christmas cheer for those in need.At the Edison office in Milford, carrier services associate... Read More

A pair of Cincinnati teams partnered with a pair of Cincinnati faith-based charities to provide... Read More

Team Tampa Bestows Everyday Blessings

TQL works every day to be the best in the freight brokerage business. So when Team Tampa looked for an organization to assist, Everyday Blessings made a lot of sense. Everyday Blessings takes in... Read More

TQL works every day to be the best in the freight brokerage business. So when Team Tampa looked... Read More

Memphis Brings Toys For Tots; Savannah Plays Secret Santa

The new Rogue One film may or may not have had an impact on Christmas giving at TQL Memphis.Team Memphis collected 138 gifts for its Toys for Tots campaign, most of which were Star Wars-themed... Read More

The new Rogue One film may or may not have had an impact on Christmas giving at TQL Memphis.Team... Read More