Women in Logistics spotlight: Denise

Women in Logistics (WIL) is an Employee Resource Group that attracts, connects and develops the TQL community of women by providing internal networking opportunities, professional development and community involvement. WIL spotlights its members regularly to share their stories of success. This month, learn about Denise, a TQL Human Resource Specialist.

Share your story of becoming successful at TQL.

I joined TQL as a Sales Recruiter and had a lot of support around me from the start. Due to my success within the recruiting department and the relationships I built with leadership in the Tampa office, I was given an opportunity to join the HR team. Breaking into HR is almost impossible without prior experience and/or formal education, so this really speaks to the mindset of this company. We reward those who earn it and aren't afraid to take a chance on people who show promise.

What qualities or personality traits got you where you are today?

Aside from my work ethic and competitive nature, I think my ability to build relationships and treat people with respect have helped me go far. Networking is key, and the more people who know your name and associate it with a committed and valued asset, the better.

What are the benefits of having more women and diversity in general at TQL?

The benefits are immeasurable. Not only does it go a long way in the recruitment of new talent, but it's proven that a diverse workplace allows for more ideas and perspectives, which leads to increased productivity and a sense of belonging for your employees.

What is the best career advice you’ve received and given?

Things will always go wrong and there will undoubtedly be setbacks that hurt, so focus on what you can control. Do your best and forget the rest.

How do you maintain a work life balance?

No one will ever respect your calendar more than you do. If you're overloaded or need a break, set limits and stick to them. You'll show up better in every part of your life and work.

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