Records are made for breaking, especially when it comes to funding a cure

People holding Check for Loads For a Cure

Records are made for breaking, especially when it comes to funding a cure.

24/7/365. That is the world of cancer. But so too is the fight to end it. 

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For the past nine years, TQL has dedicated this month to supporting the efforts of the American Cancer Society, both in awareness and through corporate giving with our Loads for a Cure campaign. This year, between October 15th and October 21st, a portion of every load moved was donated to the ACS totaling $33,492. This is the largest donation to date, bringing the grand total to more than $271,000 to fund research and survivor assistance programs.

Cancer does not discriminate, leaving many women lacking the basic needs to fight this disease. That's where the ACS steps in, providing transportation to and from treatment, lodging during care, companionship support and even the means to feel beautiful despite a lack of hair. All provided free of charge.

For TQL, corporate giving is only one part of the equation. For the entire month of October, or Pinktober, TQL employees take it upon themselves to raise money and awareness. Whether it's through bake sales, wearing pink, honoring loved ones on the tribute wall or participating in a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk - our employees do what it takes to make a difference. 

24/7/365 might be the world of cancer today, but TQL knows a thing or two about a clock that never stops. For more than 20 years, our customers and carriers have relied on our 24/7/365 availability. So, until that cure for cancer is found, we're committed for the long-haul. That's just the TQL way.  

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