To Do Today: "March Fourth" (4th) And Conquer Your Goals
March Forth is celebrated on March 4th and invites us to march forth into our lives, take on new experiences and celebrate our accomplishments. Here’s a guide to celebrating this holiday, TQL-style.
- Talk about it. Tell your neighbors, your customers, your carriers, your friends. Tell everyone you know about March Forth (4th) and encourage them to march forth in their own lives.
- Think about your future and where you’d like to see yourself in one year, five years and ten years down the road.
- Write down specific steps that will get you to these future goals. Keep this list someplace you’ll see it every day and relentlessly work on completing these steps, one at a time, throughout the year.
- Try something bold and new today. Climb a mountain, go skydiving or tackle a difficult project that you haven't made time for.
- Choose an anthem to play while you’re celebrating March Forth. Choose songs that help you conquer your day. (For those of us in the midwest, today might call for some 'Cold as Ice.')
To learn more about March Forth (4th) visit eHow for original post.